Thursday, April 13, 2017

educated people

do educated people turn their face away from people because 
they don't understand their accent or different terminology they are using and 
leave them in complete neglect, continue to talk instead 
to their peers (equally white northerner/westerner) 
as if they don't even exist? 
especially if these educated people are also funding education programs, 
then what kind of education they seek to have for the unfortunate?
2+2 is same everywhere yes, and it was same also in Nazi Germany, 
scientists of 3rd Reich were beyond the most advanced 
knowledge and technology of their time.
yet it did not help them to advance in humanity.

do uneducated people look away from the people 
that they don't understand what they are saying? 
yes, as lack of proper manners is expected from them 
as they are uneducated. 
but they would turn back their face to 
laugh or smile at the person 
out of symphaty or emphaty